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Rivers don’t Run to the Sea by Luna Sterling official music video


A chameleon of dark soulful lyrics, her songs express deeply personal & metaphysical dialogues. You'll find yourself sucked into the dream-like sounds of Luna Sterling. Her outwardly and authentically wayward soul is seen in the different personas she takes on through her music. Her writing is delivered with a theatrical emotionality; using dreamy atmospheric sound samples & twisted melodies, she challenges musical genres. Ambient trip hop would be a good place start, but it’s difficult to pigeon hole luna. Her moody vocal style juxtaposed with unpredictable sound effects create something really unique.


No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man” - Heraclitus

For me life is not about security or money; but happiness is the joy I share with others on the road of freedom and adventure. I thank the world; the special people in it who continue to influence me with their plentiful gifts. I thank you; teachers, friends, lovers and lost ones for sharing many things with me. June is the celebration of freedom, friendship, love and global connectedness. June represents the visual journey of my life lived between multiple cultures and continents. It questions the approach to life in the western world; where often death is feared. Death in many cultures is a celebration where the pinnacle of life has been reached; and the evolution of becoming begins. The circle of life; yes is the end of the physical body, but also the releasing of the soul whilst feeding the needs of another physical body. In other words, the end is also the beginning. The same can be said of many aspects of life, including love. The end - is also an opportunity for further expansion. Sadness is the contrast learned that allows for happiness. Fear does not prevent death. It prevents life. It's taken me many years to realise that freedom is the biggest gift of all. May we all be free!

“The more a thing tends to be permanent, the more it tends to be lifeless.” — Alan Watts


Entire cities are locked down. Businesses closed and countries in unfathomable debt propping up world economies. The transit fast paced life we knew once, is no longer. We have been forced to slow down, look at the way we live, home school our children, consume only what we need, act as one, move toward self sustainability, spend less energy and make less money. Our neighbours have become our comrades, our gardens are growing for our dinner plates, and no doubt our planet is healing from the change. Is this higher consciousness momentary? Or is humanity evolving?